Family comes in handy....

Life is a bit on the hectic and chaotic side these days! We closed on our house on Friday (Woo-hoo!) and have been busily working to get it ready to move into ever since. Well, that isn't strictly true - we did leave for the weekend to visit and thank a supporting church. But this has been a FULL week of cleaning and painting. Mostly painting. Who knew such a small house could require so much work, time and money?

Seriously. Who knew?

But, we are starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

My father-in-law has had to come out of his retirement and begin a new career as a painter. And he's good. He hasn't even complained (and goodness knows, I would have by now). Sean and his dad (with some help from my mom-in-law and myself) have spent hours - no days - now painting every paintable surface in our house. It looks so awesome. Yup, we all bit off more than we could chew, but it sure will be worth it!

Easy for me to say, right? I mean lookee here, I even have time to blog. I only have a moment, actually (when I'm not busy cleaning, painting, bossing, or sleeping) and I just had to check in and tell you how great it is to have our families so close by. Sure, we enjoy their company...but the real reason we love them is all the work they'll put in for us for free.

I mean, we just tell our daughters to give Grandma and Grandpa a hug and kiss, and we're good for a week's worth of manual labor. Seriously, if you haven't tapped into this "family works for free" deal, you really ought to check it out!

Between my in-laws' help at the new house painting and my own parents' help with the girls, we've been able to accomplish more than we could have dreamed of doing in one month of this kind of work alone. Just the thought of trying to accomplish all this without our family's help gives me the jitters. There is no way, no how this could happen without their help.

What I'm saying is...if you should happen to see a Cannon or an Ecord on the street and they look a little red-eyed and bewildered please tell them they are doing a wonderful, admirable, incredible job helping their kids settle into their new life and home in the States. Be sure they know how very grateful we are for their help.

And then, if you would, please kindly steer them back toward our new home. Obviously, if you see them at all, they must have, escaped - um, gotten "lost" - and will need a little help finding their way back to their respective places of "work."


  1. You're a nut! I can't wait to see the new house. Sorry I'm not there to offer my free help, but with me, you get what you pay for. ;)


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