Little Girls

I have to tell you, little girls are the best! I'm so loving being mommy to my two precious girls. If this baby ends up being a girl, I for one will not be disappointed! I would love to experience having a son, but I'm also quite content with my girls. Sean is flabbergasted and at a loss for words about 99% of the time, but I'm in heaven!

Did I mention how cute these two are when they play "house" together? Both of them prancing around with purses over their shoulders and enough jewels to make the Queen of England jealous. Toting around babies and puppies and Barbies and Polly Pockets, and, of course, their pink and purple teacups....

I did some shopping for Brooklyn's birthday - wow, it's next week! It will be a princess birthday! Brooklyn hasn't grown out of princesses yet, so we'll just keep having these princess birthdays until she's had enough. I was able to find a few princess Barbies and a princess box to keep them in, princess play makeup, princess nail polish, and a princess "diary." To me, that was easy, and really much more fun than picking out Tonka trucks. I like those pink aisles. Sean was glad to leave me to the shopping because he feels much the same about Barbie as I do about GI Joe. Poor guy.

This past Tuesday, we had a welcome dinner at a restaurant for an MAF family returning to Oaxaca from a support-raising time in the States. The restaurant we went to was very fun, with lots of space to play in, toys and trampolines aplenty, and even a DC-3 airplane for a certain man in my life to explore (that man has an obsession with DC-3's). The food was good too! I'm sure we'll be going back there sometime before we leave.

Brooklyn made a new friend. This is the first English-speaking friend she's had since arriving in Oaxaca, and she is on Cloud Nine! Her Spanish has improved, but she still can't communicate very well, which I think leaves her Spanish-speaking friends a little unsure as to what to do with her. But this new friend was a breath of fresh air for Brooklyn. They were instant friends.

Madison has this thing with hills and inclines. She loves to run down them! Surprisingly, she does very well and doesn't fall - it gives me a heart attack every time she goes running pell-mell downhill. Anyway, there was a perfect little slope in the yard of the restaurant and I'm pretty sure Maddie wore a path through the grass running up and down that hill! Too cute.


  1. Oh, too cute, indeed. I'm SO glad Brooklyn got to play with a friend and Maddie looks so free and happy. What a blessing our sweet girlies have been!

  2. You're really not helping the whole, "being content with what God grants." Just kidding :) I am super eager to see if we'll be granted a daughter but honestly I feel the same about my boys and know another would not only be God's will but a true blessing to our family. I can relate to your husband. I will send you blue prayers if you'll send some pink my way. God bless you guys and your precious angels.


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