Last Day in Mexico

Wow. Time has flown by and here we are on our last day in Oaxaca.

The past two weeks have been busy (an acceptable amount of busy, actually) and we're basically ready to head out the door to the airport tomorrow morning.

Our shipment went out a few days ago - our life in 10 tubs and a computer box. Some missionary friends of ours once said that three moves are as good as a true! When we packed our first shipment as new missionaries leaving for the field for the first time we had 15 tubs and 4 crates packed to the gills! As the years have gone by, we've learned there isn't much need for certain things...and let's also admit that there is much more available to us on the other end of this move than the others! Our shipment is basically just the sentimental stuff now - stuff that can't be replaced at Wal-Mart or Target.

We also sent off Sean's toolbox separately and we do have a few tubs that Sean is going to bring when he drives our car up in a few weeks. (He's flying back down with his Dad to get our car and, boy, are they going to have an epic trip North!)

Our airline luggage is packed. We're not even taking the airline allowance. Wasn't worth dragging along much of those "missionary clothes"....

It feels good to have our things packed up and ready to go. I've always enjoyed that feeling of freedom you get when your stuff is all neat and organized...and fits into four trunks. Makes things simple, ya know it? It is truly surprising how little you really need in life. Brooklyn has been perfectly content (more content than she's been in a while, truth be told) playing with just the few toys we packed in her carry-on. No TV. No movies. Just two books, one coloring book, some small notebooks, and two Barbies. Maddie only plays with her stuffed puppies anyway, so she's perfectly content with the three puppies that are still out.

We do, of course, covet your prayers as we make the trip to MAF headquarters in Idaho tomorrow and then home to Colorado later this week. Our girls are real troopers, but it is sure to be a trying and tiring week for all of us!

Obviously, this isn't a move made without many emotional ups and downs. Changing course after four very wonderful and exciting years isn't easy, but we cling to the knowledge that we're still in the palm of God's hand! We're so excited for what the future will bring and we're also certainly feeling the ache of leaving behind the world we know and love here on the mission field. Our girls are more Latin than they are American and they are sure to experience some serious culture shock! Let's face it, Sean and I haven't been home in a long, long time either and we're bound to be a little shocked ourselves. They say (I don't know who "they" are...but anyway) that re-entering the U.S. after being overseas is much harder than entering a new culture for the first time. I have experienced that truth to a small degree even from short term trips I took as a teenager! Anyway, the next weeks and months just aren't going to be easy, no matter how you look at it. Transition is hard. And transition on top of transition on top of transition is harder!

We are very much looking forward to seeing our families again, though! That is pretty much all I've taken time to think about - being able to talk to, hug, and be with our loved ones again!! Ohmygoodness - could it really be real? I'll actually be able to see their shining faces and hear their voices loud and clear and uninterrupted by bad Skype connections? It is too wonderful to imagine. I can't wait.

It's hard to say where the blogging will go after this...but thank you for reading about our adventures through the years! We love you and thank God for the wonderful family, friends, and supporters we have had behind us during this special season of our life. We can't wait to see you in person and tell you again how thankful we are for each and every one of you!

See ya soon!


  1. Becca, I have truly enjoyed reading your adventures over the years. Ever since we were first headed to Ecuador and thought we would be your co-workers, and then I just thought I'd stick with you even though we headed to Indonesia. I hope that everything goes well for you with this move. I can't imagine moving to the US at this point, even though I know we won't be with MAF forever! Even though things definitely aren't "easy" for us here, I think it would be a harder adjustment moving back to the States! (not that I'm trying to discourage you! I know that you are doing what you are supposed to!) All the best to you and your family. Blessings! =)

  2. Wow, I can't believe it either. Will that ever be the case for us I wonder...being with loved ones again, in the same country at least...a Target down the road. :) I do hope you keep up the blogging for sure. I, for one, would be VERY interested in what it (the transition and 're-entry') looks like for you. Have a great trip!

  3. Praying for a safe, uneventful trip back with happy children and no whining (from any of you :)

    How exciting to be home with family when your newest addition comes and have the joy of running to target if you need something quick.

    I too hope you keep up with your blog and let people know what the re-entry process is like. I love your honesty and good sense of humor.



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