
Showing posts from August, 2008

Last Day in Mexico

Wow. Time has flown by and here we are on our last day in Oaxaca. The past two weeks have been busy (an acceptable amount of busy, actually) and we're basically ready to head out the door to the airport tomorrow morning. Our shipment went out a few days ago - our life in 10 tubs and a computer box. Some missionary friends of ours once said that three moves are as good as a true! When we packed our first shipment as new missionaries leaving for the field for the first time we had 15 tubs and 4 crates packed to the gills! As the years have gone by, we've learned there isn't much need for certain things...and let's also admit that there is much more available to us on the other end of this move than the others! Our shipment is basically just the sentimental stuff now - stuff that can't be replaced at Wal-Mart or Target. We also sent off Sean's toolbox separately and we do have a few tubs that Sean is going to bring when he drives our car up in a few

Hi, I'm still here!

As you can imagine, we're very busy these days! It's a good busy. We like busy. Not TOO busy, but properly busy.... We have a house guest this week. John is in college and hopes to be a missionary pilot someday. He also happens to be a bit of a photographer himself, and offered to get a family portrait. Wow! It was much easier with him behind the camera than trying to get Madison to look at a tripod (which we've tried so many times and yet never come up with a decent family picture)! Madison wasn't exactly cooperative even still, but we got one or two good shots...even if she isn't smiling! Time is moving right along, very quickly. We only have three weeks left in Oaxaca. That is hard to believe! The girls are doing well with things so far, if a bit confused! We've already sorted through most of what we just finished getting from Ecuador and even sold some of it already! Brooklyn is very excited to go to the States - I think mostly because I've

Little Girls

I have to tell you, little girls are the best! I'm so loving being mommy to my two precious girls. If this baby ends up being a girl, I for one will not be disappointed! I would love to experience having a son, but I'm also quite content with my girls. Sean is flabbergasted and at a loss for words about 99% of the time, but I'm in heaven! Did I mention how cute these two are when they play "house" together? Both of them prancing around with purses over their shoulders and enough jewels to make the Queen of England jealous. Toting around babies and puppies and Barbies and Polly Pockets, and, of course, their pink and purple teacups.... I did some shopping for Brooklyn's birthday - wow, it's next week! It will be a princess birthday! Brooklyn hasn't grown out of princesses yet, so we'll just keep having these princess birthdays until she's had enough. I was able to find a few princess Barbies and a princess box to keep them in, princess