Well, hello!

Again, apologies for not blogging very often. Life has been a teensy, weensy bit crazy these days - more on that later - and, well, I've still been suffering without the computer during the day some too, which is just awful. AWFUL. I just have to say that.

  • Being "computer-less" on Friday, I cleaned like a complete madwoman. Not that you could tell I'd done a thing by the next morning, but it did feel good. This house seems dirty all the time to me. And it is a lot bigger than I'm used to. And I have children. And children make an amazing amount of crumbs. Did you know that? Of course you did. Why did it take me 5 years of motherhood to figure out why I couldn't seem to keep the floor from getting all gritty? Sheesh.
  • Our computer is supposed to come back to us sometime this week. Heard that one before.
  • Our shipment is also supposed to come this week. Heard that one before as well.
  • Madison is talking like crazy! It is so dern cute to hear her say, "got it" that I could just eat her with a spoon. And don't get me started on the way she puckers her lips when she says "shoe."
  • Brooklyn had a lot of fun at VBS last week. She went every day from 4 to 8 p.m. and loved her Mexican teachers and the tacos they gave her for dinner every night. Maddie enjoyed having her parents to herself. I'm bummed that VBS is over - Brooklyn so loved the social activity - and, boy, did she need some activity.
  • We went to Etla yesterday. It is a small town north of Oaxaca. We had fun and found the church that they used to film "Nacho Libre." Yup. Purty cool.
  • It has been quite rainy here lately. Makes sense, being rainy season and all. I love it.


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