A Little Overdue

Last Thursday, we had another doc appointment. I'm just now getting around to posting the ultrasound picture. It has taken me a while to want to brave the use of our scanner. It's a pain.


At 15 weeks, the baby is doing fabulous. It is still just a touch early to tell if we're having a boy or girl. And I highly doubt this doctor would venture even an educated guess at the next appointment. She's very conservative.

Can you figure out which way the baby is facing? This picture is a little more obvious than the last time. Baby is about 4.5 inches long already!

I mentioned it earlier, but my belly is really starting to grow. Our shipment is supposed to get through customs by the end of the week (though I'm not holding my breath). Can't wait for that!

Just one more appointment with the doctor here in Mexico. After that, we'll be seeing our doctor in the States! I'm looking forward to that too. Sean so graciously informed me after our last appointment, that I had lied to the doctor when she asked me a certain question. Guess that makes sense, considering I never heard her ask the question Sean says she had asked. Who knows how many things I've missed. This lady talks fast and mumbles - and uses all manner of medical terms I'm not familiar with. She assumes I'm getting it, since I can hold a normal conversation with her, but when she switches to medical stuff I'm usually just barely holding on. It will be nice to talk to a doctor in English...though I have my doubts on my ability to communicate in my first language very well any more either.

All that really matters, is that the baby is doing great! We still find ourselves shocked that this is real. I know. We're weird. This is, after all, the third time we've done this. But every time it is such an amazing miracle and we are always humbled that God would chose to bless us with a child (and we usually ask Him if He's aware of our major ineptitude at this parenting stuff)! Even with all the morning sickness, the growing belly,ultrasound pictures, swollen feet, and innumerable aches and pains, I don't usually really grasp the meaning of all this until that soft little wriggling body is placed in my arms! Then, it is ALL worth it.


  1. What a beautiful little blob of baby!We are really hoping to have some Cannon time while you're in the states. We would love to house the fam! Do me a favor and click on my name and check out my blogger blog. You may find it interesting :)


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