A Little News

I know I haven't been very good at blogging lately. We only have one computer right now, which means that sometimes Sean gets to take it to work and I'm left completely computer-less for a whole day at a time.


I'm telling you, this has been a real trial.

But, on a positive note, the house is clean for once, the laundry is all caught up, and the girls have actually seen more of me than the back of my head.

So, I guess it isn't all bad :-)

I love bullet points. They have yet to fail me in my endeavor to update friends and family with the latest bits of news. So without further ado......
  • Our shipment arrived in Mexico City on Saturday. We discovered this on Wednesday. So now we're scrambling, talking to our customs agent in Mexico City, trying to find exactly where the shipment is, and waiting to see how long it will take things to go through customs. We've heard everything from one to four days. That probably means something like one to four weeks. But still! Our shipment is getting closer.
  • I'm working on a prayer letter right now. So not feeling creative. But it will get done. It somehow always does.
  • Looks like we will be going on furlough on September 1, 2008. That is just two months away! We have a ton to get done before then, but we're really, really, really looking forward to some time in the States - mostly time to just be with our families and some time in our own culture and our own language. We didn't realize how tired we really are until the date was set. Now, we're more anxious than ever to go home; rest; visit friends, family and churches; re-discover our favorite spots in the San Luis Valley and Colorado; eat delicious food; show our girls a real fall and winter; and shop at Target. We so can't wait to see you...and a Target.
  • Seems like my belly really popped out the moment we got back from the beach. I'm getting very anxious for our shipment, which contains my maternity clothes. I'm down to one pair of pants I can still wear, two skirts, and a few shirts that stretch. It is beginning to get ridiculous.
  • Speaking of clothes, can I just say how much we are looking forward to getting some new clothes while we are on furlough? We're wearing pretty much the same stuff we were wearing when we left the States over three years ago - quite honestly, stuff that was already old at that point. People, we look like real missionaries. That's all I'm saying.
  • Our new computer is at the computer "doctor" right now. It crashed hard. Pretty stinky for a brand new computer, but at least it was still under warranty.
  • Ummmm. I'm scared of winter. There I said it. We will be experiencing our first winter in over three years. My daughter was cold at the beach this weekend. Heck, I got a little chilled at the beach when the temperature dipped below 85 degrees. As much as I'm looking forward to snow and the coziness of a real winter, I'm also just plain scared that either I or one of my children will lose a toe to frostbite or something. Is this fear irrational?


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