
  • It is chilly this morning. I mean really...wow! The sun hasn't shown its face for a day or two, which we hear is very, very unusual here in Oaxaca. It has been rainy and cool - a real treat for us after those HOT days we had a few weeks ago! This is perfect weather for a good book and some hot chocolate. Brooklyn and Maddie hardly know what to do with the slight chill in the air. Wait till they experience December in Colorado! (and January, February, March...)
  • We're still trying to nail down a furlough date. Sometime in the fall is about all we know. We'll be in the States for around 6 months, re-connecting with friends, family, churches and supporters. We also have plans to show the girls a little bit of their American heritage! Of course, we'll also try to use our time home to simply rest. Oh, and don't forget the other major event that will happen in December sometime....the new baby will be born in the same hospital where Brooklyn was born way back before we were missionaries! There is much to look forward to.
  • My morning sickness seems to be getting better and better. I still get sick just about every day, but at least I'm not sick ALL day long. I'm almost 12 weeks along now.
  • Sean and I spent part of the afternoon yesterday cooking together. Yes, you read that right! We both had a strong craving for stuffed bell peppers and we were both craving them badly enough that we were willing to share in the work it would take to get them made. We went to the store (along with the entire city of Oaxaca...note to self: don't go shopping on Sunday afternoon) to get all the ingredients. The stuffed peppers turned out delicious and hit the spot. Thanks, Ben, for sharing the recipe!!!
  • Today, we're working on gathering all the paperwork we need to send to Ecuador in order to have our shipment sent. Hopefully, we'll get that in the mail this afternoon. After that, I guess it is a matter of waiting. Who knows how long it will take the government officials involved in approving our shipment to do their job, or how long it will take the shipment to get here (or in what condition it will arrive). I'm trying not to hope for too much, too soon. Experience has taught me to just let it happen at whatever pace it is going to happen. Experience has also taught me that I am not very good at this.... Your prayers for our "stuff" to arrive promptly and intact are still greatly appreciated!!


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