Doing Well

The sun is warm, the breeze is cool. The birds are chirping in melodious cacophony. Two little girls are playing cheerfully together, carrying around baby dolls wrapped snugly in well-used blankies.

It is a good day. Life is good.

My morning sickness is finally losing its fire. It is nice to feel human again. Somewhat human, anyway. I'm not going to say it is over, but I might be brave enough to say that the worst is over. I wasn't so sure over the weekend, when a headache just wouldn't go away. Did you know you can't buy regular Tylenol here? You can't. They have Tylenol but it isn't acetamenophen. It is something else. Something they tell pregnant mothers not to take. I wasn't about to risk it.

I've done labor twice without drugs. I should be able to handle a little headache, right?

It lasted two days. What is up with that?! Good grief.

Oh, and in other news, our brand new fire-breathing, over-priced computer died.

And not a peep from Ecuador on the status of our shipment there.

But on to the "life is good" part....

It really is. We're getting more and more settled in to life here. We love Mexico. Somehow, the culture here fascinates us more than anywhere else we've lived before. We're loving it. Our church is wonderful. We go to the best park in the world almost every day. Sean is busy doing the things he loves - flying and fixing stuff. The flowers we planted in the back patio are growing gangbusters. We're all healthy. I'm well enough to cook again, the laundry pile is dwindling, and we girls at home get in plenty of playtime together, without so many pesky "don't-touch-Mommy-she's-sick" moments.

And with two little girls like this, life is definitely not boring.
Life is good.


  1. Oh MY. I always thought our family was the fastest way to spread news and apparently they're slipping. I had no clue you were expecting! How exciting!! I am so happy for you guys. Apparently I need to read your blog more often. I am officially putting you as a link so I can read daily!!! Congrats on the addition and on the morning sickness easing up. I would really like a picture of the socks with knots. That's hilarious.

  2. YOU DIDN'T KNOW?! Well, the family news circle is definitely slipping. Apparently babies just aren't the big news they used to be :-) In this family, it is hard to keep track...

    BTW, I read your blog everyday - just don't know how to comment. Love it though!

    Can't wait to see you (and meet your littlest guy) when we are home for furlough in the fall!


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