
We spent most of Tuesday morning re-packing all that we are going to be taking with us on the airline to Mexico. We had to be sure it will all fit...and we think it will. On Saturday, we'll pack up for real and take our luggage to the guest house here in Shell where we'll be staying until Monday morning when we leave for Quito.

After Brooklyn finished preschool, we went on a nice drive up the hill and stopped to eat at one of our favorite restaurants called Miremelindo. We had a nice, relaxing lunch there. What a treat to get out and away from all that sorting/packing/organizing/re-packing going on at our house and just get some fresh air!

Just being silly in Daddy's hat and sunglasses...

Taking a break outside....

Discovering bananas...

Sean also put a few pictures of our trip on his blog.

In the evening, several of my missionary friends here in Shell surprised me with a last "Ladies Night Out." We went to an Italian place in Puyo and had a great time. We laughed and laughed together...and talked about a million things big and small that would have had Sean either dead asleep in boredom or falling out of his chair in shock! :-) I'm sad to leave behind such good friends and I'm trying not to think about the final good-byes too much. I've been blessed here in Shell to find other gals with the same sense of humor and outlook on life as I have! (I know it, who would have thought there would be more than one of us?!) I haven't been a missionary for very long, but I've already experienced far more painful good-byes than I ever wanted to experience. I'm trying hard to keep a "stiff upper lip" this week, but it's hard when people keep being so nice and acting like they'll actually miss me.


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