Poco a Poco

Things are happening little by little - or poco a poco. It is hard to believe that just a week ago we were still in Ecuador! Wow. We are quickly adjusting to life here in Oaxaca. Every once in a while a picture from our time in Shell will pop up on the screensaver and it makes me feel a little "homesick." However, I really love it here in Oaxaca. You just can't beat the weather - all that sunshine is healing I tell you! And the feel and atmosphere here in Oaxaca is really neat.

Brooklyn seems to be getting used to our new home. She has been quite busy in her room, organizing her things and putting everything just so. Just wait until the rest of her toys come in the shipment! She's going to think Christmas came early this year...and she'll probably be busy until Christmas putting it all in the perfect spot. Whose child is she?! Anyway, I'm glad to see her becoming a little more like herself. Of course, she still isn't totally there. Since all of her new friends are Spanish speakers, she resorts to cavewoman-like tactics to communicate -such as locking them in the house so they won't leave. We'll need to work on that.

Maddie is doing great. Just as happy as can be and acting like herself. She's really getting good at running away from us. I feel like I'm chasing her all the time. At the grocery store, she is learning how to ride in a cart for the first time in her life. She does not like it! Poor kid - we've been doing a lot of shopping lately, trying to get things set up in our house, and she has to ride in that terrible cart. Hopefully she'll get used to that soon. (I'm quite happy to be shopping in a nice store that has enough aisles to warrant the use of a shopping cart!)

We have a car! Sort of. We found a Nissan Pathfinder within our price range and, with the help of the Mexican MAF pilot here, were able to make a deal on it. The dealer is doing some minor repairs as we requested before we can pick it up - hopefully, we'll have it Friday afternoon. This is a huge praise that we were able to find something so quickly that fits both our needs and our finances! Please pray with us that all the final details work out and that we really are able to get the car Friday.

Sean is leaving late tonight for Mexico City (going on the bus). He's going for a required class for his Mexican pilot's license. He should be back late Thursday night. I'm not at all worried about being here by myself. I feel very secure in our house...and the Ross' are just two door's down. What I am not looking forward to is missing Sean. Pray that his trip goes well and that the girls and I have a good time without him at home with us.

I haven't been able to get a decent connection for pictures, but I'm still trying! Maybe tomorrow? Sean was able to get one picture to load, but I guess I missed my chance for today....


  1. So glad you made it to Mexico safely. Sounds like so much fun! New is usually fun. We will continue to pray for you as you settle in.



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