Moving Progress pictures!

I thought it might be fun to give ya'll a taste of our lives around this place. So here you have it...I know you've all been dying for some shots of tubs, trash, junk, trunks, and more tubs. People, this is blogging at its best and you - yes you - get to experience it! You're even going to get the special treat of seeing inside my freezer. Don't you feel lucky, now?

Here's what we've been up to this week:

Just to get an idea of what was not going to be packed in the shipment, we packed our luggage for the trip on the plane to Mexico. Here is what we'll be living with the first month or two in Oaxaca....(there is a seventh trunk full of toys, but for obvious reasons, it was otherwise occupied at the time I took the picture)

We dismantled all the sold items (basically every piece of furniture in our house) and stacked them in a corner of the living room so that as people come to get their stuff it will be a little easier to get it out of the house - plus it helped us know what went where.

We didn't forget to take the time to sit and relax on the best couch known to man. We're going to miss that big green giant. We're holding on to it until the last possible moment...mostly because it is the only place we have to sit these days....
On many occasions, I opened the freezer only to be reminded why one does not put a coke bottle in the freezer and forget about it...and I've even contemplated cleaning it out...but, well, nah.
We spent the whole morning yesterday organizing things for our big garage sale this Saturday. I forgot to take the camera, but just imagine tables and tables full of useless junk and you can pretty much get the picture. It took us a long time to price each individual thing, but it went far better than we had hoped it would.

Today, we packed our shipment. It was a bit daunting as we started out, but once we got in the rhythm, it went fairly quickly. We're all packed now except for the crate that we'll tackle tomorrow - it will be filled with Sean's bike, tools, my piano keyboard, Sean's guitar, a jogging stroller, etc. There are just a few other small details to be taken care of in the next week. It feels SO good to be mostly packed (waaaay before we thought we would be too!) and it means we'll have time to visit our favorite spots around Shell one last time before heading up to Quito on the 17th of March.

I considered leaving that big white guy behind that you see in the middle tub, but decided to hold onto him. Seems like everywhere I go, he comes in handy for something - and you just never know :-) This was earlier today as we started packing - you can see why it took us a while to get started....


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