Moving On...

Just a quick update because, by golly, the sun is out up here in Quito and Sean and the girls are outside rolling in the real grass and I have to go join them.

We are in Quito at a guest house. We arrived here yesterday at around 2 p.m. We'll be here in Quito until early Thursday morning, when we'll finally board the plane for Mexico. I can't wait!

The past few days have been very hard - yes, just the logistics of moving a family of four internationally can be overwhelming, but emotionally, this has been an unbelievably hard move. This is our hardest move - both logistically and emotionally - EVER. And we've moved quite a bit! I'm not at a point where I can even begin to unravel all my thoughts and emotions coherently. I tried to type it all out for you just now and not even I could understand me! So, that will have to wait until things are a little more settled down :-) Suffice it to say, your prayers are greatly appreciated and will be appreciated for the next week especially as we finish up our time in Ecuador, travel, and then begin the long process of settling into our home in Oaxaca.

God is good. I can't explain myself very well but I will tell you this: Leaving Shell and our life there has been one of the most difficult things I've ever had to do, but I do it in joy knowing that we are doing exactly what God wants us to do. I have no idea what is ahead for us in Mexico, or why God wants us there. All I know is that this is right. That is really all we need, ya know it? The assurance that we are in God's perfect will and that He will provide for us and care for us perfectly.

I'm off to enjoy that sun!


  1. What a beautiful post. As the wife of a former minister, I have moved a lot, too. I can feel your pain and your joy as I read this post.

    Wow, we seem to have a lot in common!


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