Is this real?

Things are feeling a little more real here today. I'm so grateful to the Lord for the opportunity to be here in Oaxaca. I do, of course, realize that this is the honeymoon stage we're still in, but I just keep praising God that we are here. I miss Shell and I miss my friends there, but God is showing Himself to me in new and amazing ways here in Mexico. Leaving Shell was probably one of the hardest things I've ever done (that caught me by surprise, actually) and yet, I can honestly say it was worth it. Already.

Our second night in our house went great. Have I mentioned that it is so much more quiet here than at our house in Shell?! Really, it is amazing. There was even music playing last night somewhere but it was nothing compared to the ruckus the bar across the street in Shell could make! I'm loving the nice quiet street, the birds chirping, and the peaceful atmosphere. There are roosters here...but they aren't right next to our bedroom window and they only crow in the early morning - when they are supposed to! (Okay, I lied. I just heard one crow and it is almost 1 p.m. Still, it doesn't annoy me when they aren't practically sitting in my bedroom.)

Sean has been busy this morning with the pastor from the Ross' church, who is an electrician and is helping us get our washer and dryer hooked up. Everything - electricity, gas, water - has to be made ready for the washer and dryer since the house did not have a nice little spot for such things. The laundry pile is taller than Brooklyn, so I hope they'll be able to get this done quickly! If not, we can always use the Ross' washer and dryer....

While Sean and Pastor Neri work away on the house, Neri's daughters have been at our house playing. Brooklyn has been having a blast! Remember my prayer request for friends for Brooklyn? The kid has lots of them already! Anyway, it has been great having the girls here. They are older than Brooklyn (ages 7 & 9) but all three play well together and I keep hearing Brooklyn speaking to them in Spanish. Does a mother's heart good! Since they eat their breakfasts late here in Mexico, I fixed a pancake breakfast for the girls at around 10 o'clock this morning. The girls have watched some Barbie movies, played "catch" with a toy rat, played with play-dough, and colored together. Right now they are busily playing in Brooklyn's room and I hear lots of giggles.

Just wanted to update ya'll on what is happening here. God is good and I'm incredibly humbled by the many blessings He has poured out on us before, during, and after the big MOVE TO MEXICO. It couldn't be any more obvious that He wants us here. This doesn't mean we won't have some difficult days or spiritual attacks, but that is part of why I write all this down - so that we can be reminded of God's great faithfulness to us on those days when we wonder what we've signed up for. And, well, He deserves the glory - that is why I really love to write this all down!

p.s. I'd love to post some pictures (we've got some really great ones) but our internet connection isn't great right now. Someday, though!


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