Progress Report

First of all, I want to say a HUGE thank you to those of you who have been praying for us. It has helped so much. I could literally feel the difference as friends and family from all over the world began to pray. Woo-hoo!! Keep it up!

We are making progress on the move. Most of our larger items have sold. Just having that done is a big relief. As things clear out, we feel more and more confident that this is truly going to happen. Sean and I spent this morning sorting through toys and children's books while Brooklyn was at school. We threw away the trash, set aside a few things to sell, and packed most of it for our shipment. Only the favorite toys were saved to take along as part of our luggage allowance on the airline to Mexico. (We'll have to wait a few months for the shipment to get to Mexico, so we're trying to think ahead for what we'll need most our first months there.)

There is still a TON to do, but things are getting easier as we get the ball rolling, and get into "the zone." It sure feels like we'll have things done in plenty of time. It is getting very exciting! Since we're kind of "camping out" in our home now, it feels more adventurous and actually a lot less daunting now that we are in the middle of it. God is good.


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