Not Quite Well....
We are apparently battling some kind of illness in the Cannon household. I honestly couldn't tell you just what it is...Maddie has had a pretty high fever but no other symptoms besides grouchiness (no, she isn't teething). I have felt kinda yucky myself - headache, aches and pains all over my body, general malaise - today as well. Sean is just plain tired. But, so far, Brooklyn seems to be fine, though she has said a few things that make me wonder if she doesn't feel a little under the weather too but still has enough energy to play anyway. I'm not sure what this is - it could just be that we are still recovering after our crazy month. At any rate, we aren't doing a whole lot around here besides wallowing on the couch watching movies. I'd write more but....ugh, I feel just so BLAH. I'm going to go lay down. I'm glad to know there are many of you out there who are praying for us right now! Thank you! I'm sure this will pass quickly- it isn't anything real serious, but it sure does stink when we have so much we should be doing instead of laying around the house.
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