Catching Up
A little update while I have a moment....
She had to try on the pink hat. 'Cause it is pink and 'cause she like it...'cause she just do. (This is the conversation we have on a daily basis about her favorite color pink)

- I just keep remembering our great time last week with the work group. What a treat to talk to folks from back "home" and to share with them the experience of blessing our friends in Shell. The church building they worked on will take a long time to finish, but it would never have come as far as it has without that team's help! Here they are, our friends and family from Colorado, standing in front of a circa 1700 hacienda on the way to Shell from Quito...
- Have I mentioned that I love my parents? They were both such a blessing last week. They really helped out with the team, the cooking, the girls, and Dad even helped out some at the hangar with his aircraft mechanic expertise. The 3 extra days we had with just my folks were so special! Sean mentioned in his blog that my mom and I did lots of shopping...and we did! Such fun! Our stay at a mountain lodge high in the Andes was also a special treat. I cannot tell you how healing it was to just be in the cool mountain air and relax by a wood stove with two people I love so dearly but see so seldom. It went by far too quickly.
- Now that our kamakaze month of visitors is over, it is time to start getting things ready for the move to Mexico. I can't believe we're really moving. It really is a surreal feeling - one I can't explain. I still feel like it is all a big joke or a prank or a test our mission organization is throwing at us just to test our meddle. But, no, it is real. I'm excited and sad all at the same time. And we just have so much to do, I have no idea where to start. Things always have a way of coming together, and I'm sure it will feel a little more real once the selling and packing starts. We really need your prayers right now - this is sure to be a crazy few months for us!
- I suppose some of you might be a tad upset with me for that post way back when that was supposed to have pictures but didn't. Never did figure out the problem but I'll try again...
Maddie playing with her Dad on the grass in Quito...for the first time in her little life!
She had to try on the pink hat. 'Cause it is pink and 'cause she like it...'cause she just do. (This is the conversation we have on a daily basis about her favorite color pink)

Maddie really loves her stroller. It gets a lot of use around here!

Precious, precious, precious girls. Miss you all...too much. Love you!