Some kind of busy...

Edited to add: Several people have told me that the pictures aren't coming out on the blog. Really? Because it does on our computer. Anyway, leave some comments and let me know if it still isn't working. I'm not saying I can fix it, but at least I'll know it isn't working :-)

We. Are. Busy.
  • Things are not going to settle down for a while. I've been busy catching up at home and doing some cooking ahead for a work team we'll be having here soon.. We are on our way to Quito tomorrow to pick up my parents and then we'll meet up with the work team from Colorado that will be helping fix up our church here in Shell. Don't expect much from me. I want to blog more, I really do - but since I usually have to spend two or three hours writing one post and the people on this work team think they need to eat...the blogging will continue to have to take a back seat.
  • Maddie started walking last night! Something "clicked" and, boy, has it changed all of our worlds. She is so cute and pleased with herself. Ah, the joy of fresh discovery - she'll walk around in circles just for fun and to show off. When was the last time you did that?!
  • Brooklyn went back to school this week. That kid loves anything social. Could be school, could be a play date, could be a meeting - as long as friends are there, she's fluttering about like the social butterfly that she is. Where did she get that?
Some pictures, and then I'd better go.

Maddie's first experience with real grass. Jungle grass is not the kind of thing you want to play or roll around in (bugs, mud, snakes, etc) but the grass at the guest house in Quito is perfect. She wasn't too sure what to do with the stuff but warmed up to the idea real quick.

Brooklyn tried on this pink hat in one of the stores in Quito. She looked better in it than anybody.
"A stroll outside, you say? In the stroller? I'm in!"

Brooklyn went on a "tarabita" or cable car ride with her grandparents, aunt, and dad. I wasn't there for the fun, but something tells me (perhaps the look on Brookyn's face?) that it really wasn't so much fun as it was terrifying! (If you think Brooklyn looks a little scared, you should see the picture we have of her Grandpa in that thing!)


  1. Bummer, I can't see the pics either. :-( I know you're crazy busy...I'll be praying for you, even though I'm a little irked that I won't be there for all the fun. Congratulations, Maddie! She sounds like her cousin- waiting until she's good and ready and then showing off. Once Audrey let go and walked on her own, she would get this look like "yeah, I'm cool, don't you wish you could be as cool as me?" We love you all and hope you have a great time with Mom and Dad. --Carrie


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