Quick Update....

We're at the guest house in Quito, getting ready for our last day with Sean's family. Looks like we're going to do some more shopping (life is good) and exploring around Quito before they fly out tonight. We've had such a wonderful time and I think we're all a little melancholy knowing the good-byes are coming soon. I hate good-byes - they just stink and that is all there is to it. Ugh. But until then, we're going to keep having fun....we're all kind of worn out, I think. Here is a little bit of what we've been up to:
  • Friday, we found some great souvenirs in Puyo, had lunch at our favorite place in Puyo, and took a drive to try to see the active volcano up the road (but all we saw was clouds, although we did hear the rumbles of the volcano). We ended up eating dinner in Banos and got home just a little before 11 pm!
  • On Saturday, we went on a great hike to Hola Vida waterfall where we got to play in the water, swing on vines, and enjoy that sweltering jungle! Lucky for the Colorado folks, there was quite a bit of cloud cover or it might have been miserable. Later that evening, we all went to eat at another missionary family's house.
  • By 9 o'clock Sunday morning, we were on the road to Quito. We stopped on the way for sandwiches and got to Quito by around 2:30 p.m. As soon as we dropped our stuff off at the guest house, we grabbed some taxis and headed to "Art in the Park" and an Indian market in Quito and then on to the mall for some dinner.
  • Monday morning found us on the road again and headed farther north to Otavalo. We had a great time there, shopping and bartering for jade masks, silver and semi-precious stone jewelry, llama rugs, weavings, wall-hangings, purses, bags, and beautiful scarves. After some pie, we were on the road and headed back to Quito. We went to eat at an Italian place that Sean and I love. Madison was too tired, though. I don't think we've been to that restaurant and really been able to enjoy the great atmosphere yet. We keep trying, though, because the food is so good.
  • This morning, we are getting ready to head downtown, then on to the Basillica church, and maybe up to the Teleferico, which is a great place to get a view from up high of Quito.
You can see why we might be a little tired! Whew! But it has been a truly great time.


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