
Showing posts from January, 2008

Some kind of busy...

Edited to add: Several people have told me that the pictures aren't coming out on the blog. Really? Because it does on our computer. Anyway, leave some comments and let me know if it still isn't working. I'm not saying I can fix it, but at least I'll know it isn't working :-) We. Are. Busy. Things are not going to settle down for a while. I've been busy catching up at home and doing some cooking ahead for a work team we'll be having here soon.. We are on our way to Quito tomorrow to pick up my parents and then we'll meet up with the work team from Colorado that will be helping fix up our church here in Shell. Don't expect much from me. I want to blog more, I really do - but since I usually have to spend two or three hours writing one post and the people on this work team think they need to eat...the blogging will continue to have to take a back seat. Maddie started walking last night! Something "clicked" and, boy, has it changed a

Quick Update....

We're at the guest house in Quito, getting ready for our last day with Sean's family. Looks like we're going to do some more shopping (life is good) and exploring around Quito before they fly out tonight. We've had such a wonderful time and I think we're all a little melancholy knowing the good-byes are coming soon. I hate good-byes - they just stink and that is all there is to it. Ugh. But until then, we're going to keep having fun....we're all kind of worn out, I think. Here is a little bit of what we've been up to: Friday, we found some great souvenirs in Puyo, had lunch at our favorite place in Puyo, and took a drive to try to see the active volcano up the road (but all we saw was clouds, although we did hear the rumbles of the volcano). We ended up eating dinner in Banos and got home just a little before 11 pm! On Saturday, we went on a great hike to Hola Vida waterfall where we got to play in the water, swing on vines, and enjoy that swelte

A Good Time

Oh my, have we ever had fun these past several days with Sean's family! It is such a treat to be able to spend quality time with loved ones - even if it is only once a year or so. The girls are being properly spoiled - and really, so are Sean and I. We've had so much fun, laughed a lot, and eaten way too much. Our exploring together has only just begun - we've been to an awesome jungle resort and a local "zoo" where we got to feed and pet a tapir, among other creatures. This weekend we are going to Baños up the road, then up to Quito, and even further up to Otavalo for a day trip. I'm sure we'll have many more pictures and stories but here a just a few from our time in the jungle at La Casa del Suizo. What a fun place! Even though it rained the whole time, we still had a blast.... Here we are on the boat we rode on the Napo river to get to the hotel. What a fun ride! Brooklyn got a new "camera" from her grandparents and, as you can see,

How's 2008 treatin' ya?

Our New Year's was really okay. Yes, our neighbors were loud...but not any louder than they have been on any other night of the week - there is a bar over there, you know. I know I sound crazy, but after living in Latin America for going on 3 years, we're kind of accustomed to a lot of noise. We take note, not when it is loud outside, but when it is totally silent! (Which it was last night, except for the roosters, of course. Oh, that was nice!) Anyway, Sean and I did stay up - Brooklyn and Madison both slept just fine through the night. At midnight it was raining so that kept the fireworks from getting real crazy. Our neighbors did, however, manage to light their "old man" on fire with plenty of gasoline so we went up to our roof to watch it. They noticed us up there and waved at us and wished us a "feliz año." It was fun to watch them celebrate the new year in their way...Sean and I just gave each other a kiss, mumbled Happy New Year, and went t