Update and Waterbabies

Just a quick update...

All is well here on the home front. We miss Sean a ton but we seem to be getting along okay without him. We are very anxious for his return! In the meantime, we've had some movie nights and tried to have as much fun as possible without Daddy around - it isn't easy, but we're making it! I've chatted online with Sean nearly every night. He is doing well - just extremely busy seeing any and every aspect of Oaxaca, Mexico. I'm sure he'll blog if he ever gets a chance.

Here are some pictures....some of you are enduring ice and snow storms up North. This is what we're doing these days!

Both girls have been loving playing with bowls of water on our front porch. Brooklyn stays a little drier than Maddie...
One of Brooklyn and her Daddy's weekend "chores" is to wash the car. Well, Daddy wasn't here to help her this weekend, but Brooklyn still took it upon herself to get the job done!
Maddie has outgrown our kitchen sink but we don't have a bathtub and she isn't too fond of showers. And, have you ever tried to take a shower with a slippery, soapy baby?! I got this big plastic tub the other day to use for Maddie's baths (Brooklyn likes to bathe in it too). As you can see, it is very convenient. I can bathe Maddie and leave her to play for a while in her tub on the kitchen counter while I fix dinner. Now that is how you multi-task!


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