
If you read Sean's blog, you know we've made our decision regarding the move to Mexico. We're going! We have really talked through this over the past several weeks. We've asked lots of questions and sought God's will through His Word and lots of prayer. We have such a peace about going. It just feels right. I can't explain it any other way.

We know that this is going to be a huge change for us in just about every aspect of life and ministry. Sure, we're excited! ......but, also a little nervous :-) I've never been so excited to go somewhere and yet so sad to leave where I am. It is a weird feeling. If I think too much about leaving our life in Ecuador - our friends, the small town, even this crazy jungle - I tear up immediately. But at the same time, when I think about Mexico, I am just beside myself with excitement at what God is doing there and the part we get to play in it.

We've got so much to do.... We have to renew our passports that happen to be expiring the same month we hope to move (March). We have to decide what to keep and what to sell and what to give away. We have to sell our car here and decide what we are going to do about a car in Mexico. We have to pack - some stuff to go with us on the plane and the rest of the stuff to ship (somehow) to Mexico once we get our visas there. We have to plan, plan, plan. We have to say our good-byes....All of this, of course, after Christmas, New Year's, Sean's family's visit, my parents' visit, and a work team coming to work on our church here in Ecuador. We're so blessed and excited about our visitors in January and we are going to focus on that first. We really won't even think about what we need to do to move until after January - for the most part anyway.

It sounds like a lot....and as I write it out I see just how much we will have to accomplish in the next few months. But I'll be honest, as crazy as these next few months look, I am not in the least bit worried about getting it done. Sean and I have done this a few times before (though maybe not to this extent) and we seem to thrive on this kind of craziness. We are both organized and enjoy making our "battle plan" together, we are usually on the same page, and once we get started, we get a very efficient system going. That doesn't mean we don't need prayer, though! We could use a lot about right now until...well, I'll keep you posted when we reach a point when we don't need prayer!

At the moment, I'm really looking forward to Christmas in a week with our precious girls. It will be a fun time!


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