Merry Christmas and some pictures for you...

I cannot believe it is Christmas Eve. Sean is getting ready to go into the hangar - they have to fly today, although there aren't many flights and the guys are hoping to be able to leave the hangar a little early today. Brooklyn was invited to a cookie decorating and Christmas 'toons party with all the other little girls this afternoon. I'm going to be busy making some rolls and a green bean casserole for a dinner with friends tonight. Tomorrow, we will just hang out at home with our family, open presents for the girls, play with new toys, maybe convince Daddy to make his famous blueberry pancakes, and probably watch "A Christmas Story" with Brooklyn. We're playing the Christmas music like crazy around here, keeping the Christmas tree lit, and talking a lot about Christmas presents - Brooklyn keeps bringing it up, I don't know why :-) It is still hard to picture that this is indeed Christmas - I've heard some missionaries say they just keep the curtains closed and pretend there is snow outside. I'm tempted to do that! The sun is out, the birds are chirping, and the flowers are blooming - it is a beautiful morning...just not very Christmas-y!


Merry Christmas! I pray you have a great holiday and that you are able to take the time to remember the Reason for the Season in the midst of all the traditions and food and family gatherings and presents and pie....

I have some pictures that I just haven't had time to post, so I'll leave you with those.

This is Brooklyn's preschool class and the Kindergarten class with their teachers (Brooklyn's teacher is the one on the left) at the Christmas party a couple weeks ago. My child would be the one picking her nose. She just keeps getting better and better at posing for pictures....
My Brooklyn is growing up too fast. She just isn't a baby anymore. It breaks my heart, but it also makes me treasure the fun times we have together as she grows up and develops into a little lady. She is so much fun to be with! (And no, that isn't Rudolph's nose...just mine. Must have just sneezed or something...)

Madison loves apples. Somehow she stole this one from Brooklyn and we caught her eating it like this at the chair in our bedroom!

She finally glanced up at the camera with a very full mouth...
Every weekend, we pull out our extra mattresses, throw them on the floor in the living room, lay a blanket on top, and commence to wallow and veg out on them all weekend. (All we have is one couch and a rocking chair and uncomfortable bench, so Sean likes the extra space to stretch out.) It has become a pretty fun weekend tradition. Here the girls are watching some football with Daddy...sort of! Hey! Is that the apple Maddie stole? No, different day, I guess. Pretty sure they were all three sharing bites of that apple :-)


  1. You better get some of those blueberries cleaned if you want some of those "famous" pancakes tomorrow. Love ya...Sean


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