From Those of us NOT in Mexico....

It is late, but I wanted to let everyone know that we girls here in Ecuador are doing fine - even without Daddy around. We miss him something awful but we're getting along okay. I'm feeling very safe and secure in our house and, so far, not feeling at all lonely. We have plenty to do while Sean is gone and I know the time will fly by.

Brooklyn seems to miss Daddy most. She keeps asking me to bring him back home! Then I remind her that Daddy went on a really big trip to Mexico - or Mesico, as Brooklyn calls it. That keeps Brooklyn content for a while but it doesn't take long for her to start asking where Daddy went again! Such a Daddy's girl.

Now that our internet is working, I feel like I can function again. Good grief, I'm dependent on this internet stuff. Anyway, I heard from Sean tonight and he made it safely to Oaxaca at around 4:30 central time today. We chatted for a few minutes at about 9 tonight and he seemed to be tired but really enjoying his time so far. If nothing else, he's getting to see lots of cool stuff!

Thanks for praying for us as we make this decision. It is not easy! We do love Ecuador so much and the thought of leaving...well, it hurts. It would be a lie, though, to say we aren't excited about the possibility of serving in Mexico (for many reasons). This is an emotional decision and one we are depending fully on the Lord to help us make because we are certainly on emotional roller-coasters right now! Aren't you glad, God is always steady, and that nothing ever surprises Him?


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