Update on life at the Cannon house...

It has been a pretty slow week. Which I'm not really complaining about because now I can say that things are, for the most part, caught up - woo hoo! Here's a bit of what is happening:

  • Brooklyn and I are well again, though still with residual coughing and stuffy noses. Maddie never got sick (go breastfeeding immunities!) and Sean has somehow managed to stay well too.
  • In a couple of weeks, Brooklyn will start preschool. She is beside herself with the excitement and can't stop talking about it. I know it will be very good for her and I both!
  • The rain is back in full force. Kinda homey, actually.
  • We're looking forward to the re-population of the missionary community here in Shell. A lot of people were gone for summer furloughs and, well, it has been pretty quiet around here. I'm looking forward to starting back up with our ladies Bible study and to a little more routine to life.
  • Maddie refuses to crawl, even though she can. She doesn't need to crawl, though. She gets around very well scooting. Even as I was sitting here blogging she managed scoot across the office, scoot out of the office, and then scoot her way all the way across the living room to the front door in 10 seconds flat.
  • We moved Brooklyn into her own room again. The girl just needed her own place to play. It was a great decision. Both girls are sleeping better, Brooklyn's toys are easier to manage, and I don't have to worry quite so much about Maddie getting into some of Brooklyn's smaller toys (unless she scoots into Brooklyn's room to "play"...which she does). Brooklyn has been doing a lot of playing in her "new" room. I have a very patient husband - I move things around a lot. I'm sure that isn't the last "change" I'll make to this house!


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