Playing Catch....Up

It must have been the long weekend in the city but I'm really struggling to catch up on housework and laundry these days! It just ain't happening.


There is so much to do. And I just haven't done much of it. But maybe it isn't all laziness...I'll confess I'm hard on myself when it comes to what I did or did not accomplish; and maybe my priorities need to fall in different places anyway.

Clean house vs. Cheerful Kids and Clutter

While I haven't finished the laundry, I have spent some time with my girls...just being. That is hard for me, knowing I have a mountain of laundry taking over half of my bedroom - but it's so worth it just to be with my girls. Brooklyn and I painted our nails, Maddie and I played peek-a-boo, Brooklyn and I worked on her sticker book, Maddie showed me how she can scoot from one end of the house to the other in a matter of seconds, Brooklyn and I danced in the kitchen, Maddie cuddled in my arms just content to be held, I helped Brooklyn practice riding her bike on the roof (now there's a blog), Maddie giggled and giggled while I tickled.... I'm finding more and more that the measure of my success at the end of a day is not in how many loads of laundry got done or what 5-course meal I managed to cook but rather in the amount of time spent with my children. I'm the type that really gets stressed easily when things aren't "just so." Actually, that all needed to go out the window as soon as Brooklyn was born but it seems to have gotten worse instead of better. But looking back on this day, I realize that I did accomplish something. Not laundry, perhaps, but something (or two Somethings) of much greater value. And if all I did was play with the girls all day long...would that be so bad?

A messy house, a thrown-together dinner, an unkept hair-do, piles of laundry...and laughter, delighted squeals, impromptu tea parties, silly songs, slobbery kisses, tight neck squeezes, bright,cheerful eyes, flushed faces, and happy kids. I like it. I'm done with Shabby Chic, just give me Shabby and lets leave it at that.


  1. Bike riding on the roof? Fortunately, I've been on your roof and realize that's not quite as crazy at is sounds! Oh, Becca, I'm so glad you've got your priorities straight. It's a challenge sometimes, isn't it? But, your daughters will cherish those silly little games and hanging out with Mommy. And, when they get older, they can do their own Catie. There are some perks to having a teenager in the house. Believe it or not, she still occasionally wants "mommy time," too...even if it is at the mall....


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