Mommy Time

Everybody needs a little Mommy Time. That is exactly what I'm getting this week! It has been so wonderful to have my mommy here. We've just talked and talked and talked. And we've laughed ourselves silly. Today Mom helped me get started making curtains for our living room. We have them pin basted and ready to sew and they look so nice! I never would have been able to get this done without Mom's help. I'd like to get the dining room and our bedroom done while she's here to help too...we'll see about that.

Here's a quote from our day...

Me, measuring the window: "Okay, we've got 23 plus 51.....that's, ummm, thirty-four!"

Mom, shaking her head and laughing at me: "Oh, Becca. Try fifty-four."

Long pause, sound of gears grinding, smell of smoke.....sudden laughter together: "Seventy-four!"

The apple does not fall far from the tree here, folks.

No blonde jokes, thank you very much.


  1. We used to live far from family and I remember what a blessing it was when mom would come to stay for a few weeks. Suddenly the load was lighter (especially with a little one, or two). And the measuring--that's how we are too. :)


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