Back Home Again

Well, we're finally back home after quite a while in Quito. It was a nice time - except for having to say good-bye to my Mom...ugh. I hate saying good-bye when loved ones leave. It is definetely my least favorite part about being a missionary far from home and family. Yuck, yuck and double yuck.

After taking Mom to the airport early Sunday morning we did have a nice time in Quito. I've said before what a luxury Quito seems compared to Shell and I'll say it again: Quito is so fancy, sophisticated, civilized, clean (relatively speaking, of course,) and modern! We had a list of things to get done - some special shopping items, dentist appointments, car repairs - and we were able to get it all done. We didn't stay at the MAF apartment but at the HCJB Guesthouse since the apartment was already being used. The accomodations at the guesthouse are more similar to a hotel - we even had breakfast and coffee waiting for us in the mornings! What really sold us on the guesthouse was the instant hot water...even in the bathroom sink! It's the little things, ya know? I'm really sounding like a deprived missionary, aren't I?!

As nice as our time in Quito was, it's always nice to come home to Shell. Being small-town folk, we feel more comfortable in the laid-back, unsophisticated atmosphere of this little town in the jungle. A person can only eat out at Applebee's and TGI Fridays so many times before it starts to get old....

I'm still trying to get organized after our time away and I have lots of things to do today. Sean is home for lunch, so that's all I've got to say for now!


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