Anniversary Weekend

We spent the weekend in Baños to celebrate our 7th wedding anniversary. We had a great weekend...and it's been a great marriage!

The girls came with us and we found an inexpensive place to stay the night. We ate "American" hamburgers, savored incredible breakfasts, drank lots of coffee, and made a stop at a very fancy Spa resort for awesome gourmet food for a special anniversary lunch. We did some exploring of the town of Baños and also went on a long drive exploring the surrounding area. We played some slap-jack with Brooklyn, made animals out of play-dough, took long naps, read in hammocks, bought stocking caps (we got cold), walked in the rain, and laughed ourselves silly. We needed the break and we just had a wonderful time being our little family of four.

Ironically, we didn't get any good shots of just Sean and I on our 7th anniversary...Brooklyn took some silly ones of us but she had us laughing so hard at her antics that the resulting pictures just aren't something I'm willing to post on the internet for all the world to see!

So here are some random shots from the trip...


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