No News Is Good News

Busy, busy, busy. I know I seem to have fallen off the planet...just so busy with lots of stuff that takes priority over blogging.

Someday I'll be back, I promise! I'm hoping that by mid-week next week my life will have calmed down enough that I don't cringe at the thought of sitting still for a while and trying to organize my thoughts well enough to create a blog post. My brain is like Jell-O, I tell you. Jell-O. My condition is compounded by the fact that suddenly Brooklyn is not taking naps. Yes, I know that those of you who have had the painful and unfair experience of kissing afternoon free time goodbye can understand now where I have been!

But I will be back soon and you can look forward to more regular updates.

Until then, you have my permission to back away from the computer and step outside to enjoy the sun and summer fun for a while.


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