In Lieu of a Card

Somebody very, very special to me is turning 60 today.

This person has influenced my life in ways he probably doesn't even know. He raised me to work hard, to love God, to finish what I started (I'm still working on that one), and to talk less and act more. He taught me how to ride horses, fish, hike, camp and enjoy the mountain air. He was patient enough to teach me to drive and he made me learn stick shift first. And he just laughed when I drove my mom's car into the ditch...the laughing became less and less frequent in direct proportion to the amount of little accidents I had. He even surprised me and fixed my new car after I ran into my old car with it. A very patient man. And I scared him more than once. This man even let me have pigs in 4-H. I think we both learned from that one. But, in the end we had good pork. He tolerated me "helping" him while he puttered around the farm. He gave me my first job sweeping hangars out for $2 an hour. He bought me countless ski-lift tickets, clothes he didn't even know he paid for, many different pets, lots of trips, vehicles, and well, everything I ever needed as a kid and then some.

My Daddy took me on amazing trips to the mountains that I will never, ever forget - fishing trips, marathon horseback rides, camping trips, lion and bear tracking, hikes, and picnics. Daddy, I still remember each one of those trips as if they were yesterday. How you waited for me at the top of a steep climb, waving an ice-cold root beer from the cooler to encourage me those last few yards. How you played "hide and seek" with me on the trail and scared me spitless. How you took only me on that special fishing trip to Canada where the "big one" just got away. How you told me I'd be okay even though the saddle had slipped to the side of the horse and I was holding on for dear life up a steep mountain trail in the rain...and I did it! And then you apologized because you didn't realize how bad it was. But the point is, I did it because I trusted you and because you believed in me. If my Daddy said I could do it....well, then I must be able to do it.

He's challenged me in ways he can't even know. One year in high school I proudly brought home a straight A report card and he said "This is great. But what's going to happen next semester?" It was normal for me to bring home one perfect report card only to slack off and bring home more B's than A's the next report card. I worked hard to get straight A's that whole school year just to prove to him that I could do it. Turns out, he knew I could do it all along - I just ended up proving to myself that I could do it. That is one example of many times that he planted a seed that coming from anybody else just wouldn't have been the same kind of challenge.

I'm proud of my Dad. He's had some rough times in his life but he's never lost his faith in Christ. He's grown a successful business from the ground up. He's the best at what he does and is a well-respected man among his peers, employees, family, community and church. He's never stopped learning - in fact, just last week he passed yet another check ride and is now not only a pilot (and a very good one at that) but a helicopter pilot to boot. He's the family doctor, the farm vet, the resident wise man, the perfect sounding board, and the secret giver. And I just wouldn't be who I am without him.


I love you.
I love this picture Mom sent of Dad flying the whirly bird last week!

(Feel free to use the comments section of this blog to give birthday wishes to my Old Man! See "Comments Please" post for instructions.)


  1. Well, Honey,You made your mama cry (of course!) over this tribute to your Daddy! He's been so busy today here at work. I don't think he's even had time to read this post. He'll be blessed! I agree your Daddy is one special guy! Loving and missing you all today. Mom

  2. Here, here!!! Yes, we have been blessed, haven't we? Dad tries to fool us with the gruff exterior, but we know the truth. He's just a sweety, especially when it comes to his girly granddaughters. He's allowed them to put bows in his hair and paint his toenails. That takes a real man! He is the most generous man I know and I've always known he "had my back." The "well, it's about time you learned" response to my "I don't know how" or "I can't" used to drive me nuts, but now I use it with my own girls. Turned out he did know what he was talking about! Dad, you're an inspiration and it's been a privilege to watch you overcome and grow in your walk with God. You love Him, and that's made all the difference. Happy Birthday! We love you! --Carrie

    LOVE YOU MUCHHH!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Oh, my goodness! I have tears running down my face! What a touching and precious tribute to your daddy!

    Ron . . . Happy 60th Birthday from a couple of old high school classmates, who were fortunate to later become related to you! We think you're great, too! Congratulations, also, on the helicopter pilot thing!! We're very proud of all your accomplishments and steadfastness, too!

    We love you! God bless! (Glad you finally joined us in the 60's! Vicki, you're right behind us!)

    Richard & Anita


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