Humor Me

This is why I love blogging. You put a little something out there - such as a hint that you need a little comic relief in your life - and people start praying and telling you their jokes and sending encouraging notes and things start happening and suddenly....Man, my life is funny!

We all know that life isn't always all giggles and snorts - unless, of course, you are at a junior high girls' slumber party. And that is okay. Because I can honestly say that even though I passed a few days without anything really good to laugh about, I never lost my joy. Not once.

You see, that is the really awesome thing about our God. I can't quite explain it, but I look back and see that the joy of the my Lord was there - even though I was more stressed than usual, maybe a tad grumpy, a little excessive in my self-pity, way over-tired, more growly than giggly, and seriously feeling some culture shock....again.

He used friends and family from near and far to help me gain perspective....again.

He let me get over myself while He held my hand and then He showered me with silly things to laugh at when I was all done throwing my hissy fit....again.


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