
Wow, what a week! I just haven't had the time to blog. I'm sorry!! But, as busy as I have been, I just can't think of much blog-worthy material. Sean mentioned in his blog that he's been doing aircraft maintenance. Other than that bit of "change from the norm" our days have been full of the same ole stuff and nothing special....

  • Guess who's getting her first tooth?! I was totally unprepared for the deep sadness that settled over me the moment I felt that sharp little tooth on Maddie's gums. She is 9 months old. And I know teeth are a good thing (they really help out with life) but I guess I just wasn't prepared for my baby to... well, grow up. It goes so fast. Too fast, sometimes.
  • We took our visitor to BaƱos today. That's up the road - a quaint, touristy mountain town. We ate at our favorite little restaurant La Posada del Arte and then we did some souvenir shopping around town. On the way home we stopped and bought more plants for our front yard and planters.
  • Last week, Sean built a fence to keep the dog in the back section of our yard. This way, she barks so much less at passersby - okay, she only ever barked at motorcycles and dogs but never people...she isn't much of a guard dog. But she was tearing up our front yard and going berserk every time our neighbors revved up their motorcycle (which happens way too often and is annoying enough without adding the yipping dog, splashing mud, and chaotic, frantic hopping all over the place). We're also really hoping that keeping her away from all the "nice" people who give her food and pet her when walking by will make her a little more "scary" and guard dogish. Yeah.
  • Now that Maya isn't in the front yard to chew on our plants, we can plant flowers (for the upteenth time since moving here) without worrying about finding it all destroyed by the dog the next morning! Our front yard looks so nice! We love planting and playing in the dirt - anything grows here and it's all cheap so we are having lots of fun. We also got a few small potted plants for inside the house - I just love it!
  • No pictures. Sorry. Sean takes the camera with him to work...and mine is long gone after an unfortunate event during a layover in Miami airport several months ago. Long, depressing story. You don't want to read it. So anyway...I've got nothin'. Tell my husband to share.


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