Where's the Beef?

Ground beef that is. I have had quite a time trying to get ground beef this week. I ran out of what I bought pre-packaged from the big supermarket in Ambato. I went searching for packaged ground beef at the two stores in the area that usually have some in the freezer. No luck. One place was "cleaning their freezer" (never a bad thing, just not good timing for me) and the other place has a "broken freezer and no parts to fix it with." I can't imagine what it would be like to just go to the store and pick up my ground beef in its pretty, sealed package whenever the whim to make meatloaf or spaghetti hit me. Can't imagine.

Anyway, I'm not totally out of options. I could go to the butcher and ask them to make me some ground beef...but I'm not in the mood to endure the sights and smells of that place today. That doesn't sound like something a good missionary would say...but it's so gross there!

We've lived here in Ecuador just over a year. I've grown quite accustomed to this kind of stuff. You usually can't get what you need at the store when you need it. And some places - such as carnicerias or butcher shops - are quite often just plain gross, requiring great effort to maintain your optimistic attitude about the wisdom of actually eating anything that comes within a square mile of the front door. This has been one of those weeks when I have no desire to hold my breath while visiting with the nice lady at the butcher as she swats at flies landing on the meat on the counter with one hand and uses a filthy rag to wipe the blood off of her other hand. I'm just not in the mood.

Good thing we were invited over to someone's house for dinner tonight. Otherwise we might have starved because of my stubborn refusal to spend my morning swallowing bile.

There I go being dramatic again. Just laugh at this post and know I'll be okay as soon as my mood swings the other way! And by the way, no I am not pregnant - just moody and still dealing with the occasional culture shock issues!


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