What a Girl Needs

First, the disclaimer. It's late.

Okay, so I saw this really funny "meme" (don't ask me what it means, but I've been seeing these "memes" on a lot on blogs and sometimes they look pretty derned fun) and decided to give it a whirl. Just do a Google search with your name plus the word "needs."

My list of the Top Ten Things Rebecca Needs (yes, these are all real):

10. Rebecca needs to accept that no one is self-sufficient all the time. (Preach it!)
9. Rebecca needs to get used to being criticized. (Ouch.)
8. Rebecca needs enlightenment. (See numbers 9 and 10)
7. Rebecca needs to choose a database. (So that's the problem!)
6. Rebecca needs a starring role in a blockbuster movie. (That would really boost my career.)
5. Rebecca needs your help. (Obviously, look what I'm doing at almost 1 o'clock in the morning.)
4. Rebecca needs just one good, meaty, dramatic role. (It's called motherhood, people.)
3. Rebecca needs to be encouraged to think and read between the lines. (What lines?)
2. Rebecca needs to stop thinking that Ethan is the only answer for Gwen and realize that Gwen needs to find someone on her own. (Until Rebecca gets enlightened, Gwen is out of luck.)

And the number one thing Rebecca needs.....

1. Rebecca needs to stop taking too-close pictures of herself.


  1. Okay, Honey, I think you've got to get more sleep! Who in the world are Ethan and Gwen??? Obviously, you didn't come up with these 10 things. Pretty wierd stuff. Loving and missing you - Mom


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