The Girls

I took Maddie in today for her regular well baby appointment. As expected the news was all good. Maddie is a perfectly healthy, happy 7-month-old. I can't believe how quickly she is growing. She is really at a fun age right now and I feel myself starting to try to hit "pause" for a while. I really love the 6-8 months and I'm in no hurry to move on.

Brooklyn came along for the appointment and got to listen to Madison's heartbeat which she thought was pretty cool. That little girl is so inquisitive she wears me out! She also had fun later today at swimming lessons. She was so tired when I went to go pick her up that she couldn't even walk straight. She's having a great nap right now, which I love because those naps are becoming less and less regular.

I praise God for two very healthy and lively little girls. People ask if we are going to have more and my response is usually "Why?" Our family feels complete and I feel no need to add to what we already have. At this point, Sean and I are about 90% sure we're done having kids. That doesn't mean we wouldn't welcome another one if God sees fit but for the first time since our marriage I feel like we are a complete family. I'm content.


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