
I went to a garage sale this morning here in Shell. Several missionary families are moving, going on summer furloughs, or just trying to clean out some of their stuff. I left the girls with Sean and went to see what treasures I might discover. I found a few baskets, a plastic container, and some ponchos - nothing too special but little things that come in handy around here...we haven't quite collected those kind of little things for the house yet. (Although, I doubt it will take long.) I would have bought some VHS videos but our VCR is on the fritz and I knew it would be too hard on Brooklyn to see the cases for fun movies and not be able to watch them until we figure out the problem with the VCR.

The best buy I made was a Barbie and a Barbie kitchen for Brooklyn. She hasn't been so entertained for so long .....ever! It was well worth the six dollars!


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