
Today while I was waiting in the waiting room at the hospital for Maddie's appointment, I noticed movement out of the corner of my eye. I turned to look and found a couple of girls giggling as they aimed their camera phone at us to take a picture. This happens all the time here. Our pictures and especially pictures of the girls are on camera phones all over the country of Ecuador.

To most Ecuadorians, especially those that live in the jungle, it is no big deal at all to sit and stare at someone. Being white and having two very cute little girls means we get twice the staring. We kinda stick out...

I remember when we first arrived and Sean was working at a desk at the hangar that had a window above it. When I came to visit him I noticed a large crowd gathered in front of the window. My first assumption was that Sean was really busy but when I got to Sean, he wasn't even looking up from his work at the faces pressed against the glass. "Don't they need help?" I naively asked. "Nope, " was Sean's response. "They're just watching me."

I've become very accustomed to the staring and hardly notice it any more. If I saw a loud crew of blonde-haired, pasty-skinned, blue-eyed giants, I'd probably stare too. But technology has taken things to a whole new level. And yes, cell phones - even camera phones - have reached the jungles of Ecuador. I chuckle to myself when I remember the snide comment we used to make when I was in high school and someone was staring, "Take a picture it will last longer." An Ecuadorian would quickly respond, "Great idea!"

Hey, we take pictures of them too. Guess it works both ways. But have you ever had a complete stranger come up to your baby while you were shopping, play with them, get in their face and then take a picture with their camera phone before walking on?! This is one of those cultural things that I have no place to file in my mind. It just makes me laugh.

**On the flip side, I realized while I was visiting the States a couple of months ago that I was pretty offended that people didn't make over my kids in the store and every where we went.**


  1. It's the same here in Indonesia!!!! When we are riding on the public transportation, the giggly girls with their cell phones will take pictures of us (yes, especially Natalie!) I remember always getting a lot of attention in Ecuador, but never having lived there with kids, I guess I didn't imagine that it would be the same as it is here. How funny. People all over the world are the same, I guess. We always are interested in the ones who are different! Yep, we take their pictures too!!! (although we don't have camera cell phones so it's a little different =) -Sarah DeSalvo

  2. At least we know that we're not the only ones! I suspected this was a world-wide phenomenon. Next time we get a cell phone, I want one with a camera too. It could be kinda must be if those girls are giggling so much! (I try not to think they are just laughing at me :-)


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