Sorry the pics aren't the clearest. We just took what we could while the faces were good. The green beans went over like a lead balloon but we got a good chuckle out of the many faces Maddie made anyway!
I'm just gushing over here. My second-born took a big step today and made a decision for Christ! We were having a talk in the car on the way to the store about heaven and next thing I know she's over there quietly folding her hands and whispering a prayer to Jesus. When she was done, she looked over at me with a big smile and said, "I have so many blessings from God, Mommy!" Indeed. Happy Born Again Day, Madison Elizabeth! We love you so much.
Brooklyn can't seem to resist writing on the walls. I finally decided to put an end to the battle.... Now she has her own special place in her bedroom to be as creative as she wants (within reason). This can be painted over and it gives her some boundaries while still allowing her to be "creative." I'm not sure she'll have any interest in writing on the wall now that it isn't against the rules but I sure had fun painting on the wall. I'm tempted to paint myself a square to doodle and scribble on.
Let me just say, everybody is fine. But that picture up there, in Brooklyn's sweet note to her Daddy, pretty much sums up our weekend. Blood. Lots of it. Flowing out of Sean's foot. On Sunday afternoon Sean was using a weed-eater to try and tame our wild, jungle grass in the yard. This weed-eater, rather than having a nice, docile nylon string was basically a little metal machete propeller. Which, incidently, is not so safe when you accidently get your foot in its way. Ugh. Let me just say that seeing my husband's foot bleeding profusely was mighty disconcerting. I worked in a dialysis unit, mind you, and regularly dealt with people's blood. But when it is somebody you love, it just can't be helped to feel a little woozy and worried at the sight. Praise God, it wasn't a toe and Praise God it wasn't any worse. We were able to drop the girls off with our teammates and get him to t...
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