A Good Chuckle
Just for the heck of it I did this little celebrity look alike thingy. At first it was a little flattering but then when I saw the man I supposedly look like it just got funny. Who is Gary Barlow anyway? And what's up with the Asian man and woman??? The crazy thing is, I actually do see a "resemblance" with most of these celebrities. I always knew Jessica Alba and I were twins. Ha! You could probably pick any celebrity's face and convince somebody that they look like that person. For what it's worth I did this with a couple of different pictures of me and the only one that came up every time was Bryce Howard (coincidentally, I don't know who that is). I don't see it.... But Matsumoto and I - I get mistaken for him all the time!

Hey, if you needed a little pick-me-up - or at least something to make you laugh - this is the thing to do on a Wednesday afternoon. Can you tell both my babies are napping?!
Hey, if you needed a little pick-me-up - or at least something to make you laugh - this is the thing to do on a Wednesday afternoon. Can you tell both my babies are napping?!
Oh, Becca, this is too funny!
ReplyDeleteThat's hilarious! You're a beautiful asian/white girl/boy. Good thing...I mean...too bad I don't allow pictures of myself in the house. I don't even want to know who I "look" like.
ReplyDeleteBryce Howard is Ron Howard's daughter...you know...Opie, Happy Days, director of movies. She's in Spider Man 3. Opie is a grandpa now, you know. Don't ask how I know all this shallow stuff, please.