Newsy Bits

  • It is another rainy day in Shell. That means it's quiet and peaceful. I love it!! Too bad I'm too busy to just sit down and read a book.
  • I'm working on our prayer letter right now. As much as I enjoy putting them together, I always find it difficult to devote as much time to writing and formatting letters as I'd like to - with two young children vying for my attention, any time sitting at the computer is borrowed time. Seems like every time prayer letter time comes around something suffers - we don't eat, Brooklyn just watches TV all day, the laundry piles up, emails go unanswered... I'm determined not to let that happen this time but that means that its taking twice as long for me to get the thing done.
  • The large amount of rain we've had has caused problems with the city water pressure...which means I can't do the laundry. Bummer!
  • Brooklyn went to preschool for the second time yesterday. She was ready to go and had a great time. An added bonus to this is that she is much happier at home on the days she doesn't go. She finds things to keep busy and plays better by herself than she used to.
  • I bought a keyboard!! I am so excited. A missionary family that plans to leave this summer was selling their daughter's Yamaha keyboard for $75 - a great deal - and I jumped on that. I went over last night to take a look at it and played it for a little while. It was so nice to make music again. I'm not much for reading music but give me some chords and let me do what I want and I can have so much fun. Whether or not it sounds like music to anybody else doesn't really matter. For me, sitting down and playing a song from my heart on the piano is a worship experience. My heart floods with love and gratitude for my God and I am not concerned with anything but expressing my love for my Savior through music. Like I said, it probably doesn't sound like much more than an amateur piano player pounding out some odd notes to those listening in but I really love playing. I've missed my times at the piano. Unfortunately, I still have to wait until the family leaves in mid-June to actually bring the piano home. Their daughter is taking lessons. Why can't I ever just have what I want now?!
  • Sweet, blessed sleep! I'm hesitant to say it, since last time I announced this Madison made a liar out of me...but all week long Madison has truly slept through the night! I know it has to do with her eating solid foods now and I also scheduled her nap times so that she gets two good naps a day instead of little naps all throughout the day. I am finally feeling rested. It is so wonderful I almost want to cry!


  1. Just popping in to say that I have been reading and am praying. My children are about that age apart and I remember those days. Praying God's blessing ob you and yours.

  2. Thank you for reading and especially thank you for praying!


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