Murderous Thoughts

Our dog, Maya, is not my favorite person right now.

She's a good dog... for a puppy...I guess. But she's driving me crazy! Yesterday she did something that finally had me ready to kick her out on the street - or worse. Our laundry room is in a separate building out behind the house - in Spanish it's called a bodega, which is a term that can mean everything from shed to shop to storage unit to warehouse. I was working hard to get several loads of laundry done so that my family could once again be clothed. We were down to wearing our "fancy" clothes since everything else was dirty...I think we keep nice clothes around just to wear when everything else is dirty because we certainly never dress up down here! Anyway, I'm getting off the subject at hand. I was griping about our dog.

I ran out to the bodega to switch loads of laundry. I always leave the back/kitchen door open so that I don't have to worry about opening it with a big basket in my arms. As I came back into the kitchen I noted there were cookie crumbs on the floor...and Maya was carefully slinking out of the door. Then I spotted the Tupperware of fresh-baked chocolate & peanut butter chip cookies on the counter. My heart sank to the cookie crumb covered floor. I had left the container without the lid on after grabbing a quick snack on my way out to do laundry... With a growing sense of dread I set down the basket of clothes I had and made my way toward what was beginning to look more and more like a crime scene.

To my horror I discovered that it was true. What had once been a beautiful, full container of scrumpcious cookies, was now a mess of crumbs with a decidedly marked hole in the center of it all. NO! Not the cookies! Anything but the cookies! There were still some whole ones around the outer rim. I immediately found myself rationalizing. Certainly she didn't lick all the cookies. Surely I could just scoop the obviously violated ones out and save the rest. It couldn't be that bad. Was that one a victim of doggy over-indulgence or was it already broken like that? I had to save the cookies! I had to severely punish that dog! Which one first?

As for the cookies, well, good judgment gave way to my uncontrollable sweet tooth. The fact that peanut butter chips are a rare commodity in Ecuador and must be smuggled into the country and that I had used the last package I had of them didn't help matters. Chocolate chips are not cheap here either and must be ordered months in advance from a distributing company that isn't officially supposed to sell chocolate chips to the average person. For those of you that would judge me, you certainly have no idea what the gravity of the situation was. I. Had. No. More. Peanut. Butter. Chips. Really - be honest - what would you do in that situation?

(Nothing illegal really happens when it comes to the procurement of baking chips in Ecuador...but it's probably easier to get drugs than quality cookie ingredients...)


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