Moving on up...

Yesterday was a sad day for me...and also a momentous one for my youngest. All day Madison just acted hungry and unhappy. So I gave her a tiny bit of rice cereal....and she loved it! I couldn't believe it. I had planned on waiting another few weeks but she's obviously ready to move on to solid foods now. She did surprisingly well at eating and would have eaten more if I'd had it made up. *sigh*

Maddie is also getting very good at sitting up on her own. She's not quite to the point of maintaining her sitting position for long periods of time but almost overnight she has started sitting up with very little support. I expect that by the end of the month she'll be able to sit up on her own on the floor and play with toys. *sigh*

And she's getting so big. I had to pull out her 6 month size clothes yesterday. She's just over 5 months old now. The new clothes are still a bit baggy but not as much as I had hoped they would be! (Mom, you'll be glad to know she has plenty of toe room in her sleepers now.) *sigh*

How is this possible? My baby is growing and changing right before my eyes. I am trying to keep up but she just moves to the next stage so quickly. I don't remember Brooklyn moving through her first year so fast. I am overjoyed and amazed at each new thing Maddie learns, don't get me wrong. And I love the fact that she is getting easier to take care of (in some ways). I am getting a little "freedom" back since she isn't quite so dependent on me for her every need. But I'm also just plain sad at the realization that my baby is growing up so quickly. I get this sense that tomorrow I will wake up and both of my baby girls will be going to school...or graduating...or getting married. *sigh*


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