Lizard Chasing

Sean mentioned in his blog that I caught a lizard in the house. Yep. But I won't pretend that it didn't have my heart pumping. The process of catching the creature involved lots of screams and squealing and the occasional jump onto furniture. Yes, I know it was just a lizard - and a pretty small one at that - but it was so slithery with a big, long tail twice as long as its body. It was very fast and could really jump too.

I found the little guy as I was walking into the living room. That was the first scream! The poor fella ran all over the house looking for a way of escape but I just followed him around with the broom. I didn't want him staying in the house to continue to scare me all day. He was under the couch, in the pantry, in the kitchen, under the table, behind a potted plant. I was hot on his long, creepy tail the whole time. I couldn't get him to run back under the door to go outside because Maya was there waiting for him so I knew I could either kill him, let Maya in to chase him, leave him alone so that later he could run over my foot while I cooked dinner, or catch him.

I found an empty peanut butter jar and poked some holes in it. Finally, I must have worn him down too much. He was sitting on the bottom part of Maddie's saucer thingy resting and I managed to sort of scoop him up into the jar. Ewwwww!

But Sean was pretty impressed that I caught a lizard. He later made me help him take pictures of the thing while he held it. He then carried it by the tail outside and let it run off. All I know is that I'm glad it wasn't a snake that came into the house. If it had been a snake I would have grabbed my girls and driven away as fast as I could.


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