A Ready Writer

"My heart is overflowing with a good theme;
I recite my composition concerning the King;
My tongue is the pen of a ready writer." - Psalm 45:1
As I was searching for a title for my own blog, God led me to this Scripture. All of my life I have been a writer. As a child, one of my favorite pastimes was getting a brand new sheet of lined paper and writing away - I wrote everything from self-help articles to heartfelt personal confessions and prayers to wildly imaginative stories. In junior high I began my first journal...and have never stopped journaling since. Writing is honestly the only way I am truly able to express myself or my thoughts and feelings. If you want to know me, you have to read it because I am very unlikely to simply share it! (Well, unless you are my mother or my sister or my husband....then I talk your ear off!) Of course, my journals are far too personal to share but I would like to share in this way - through this blog - knowing that family and strangers alike will be reading. I think the dream of every writer is to somehow have the opportunity to share what we write with others and this blogspot is an awesome way for me to do that. Be patient with me, I am ever-learning and my ideas of what to write about are ever-changing!!

What is my theme? It is a good theme. It's all about the King, really, and the blessings of a life lived in service to Him. It's about a very flawed servant trying to learn what it is to live a life that reflects her Master. It's about a young mother, a wife, a girl living out her childhood dream (one of them anyway) of being a missionary in a foreign land!

A warning: you'll find everything on this blog! One day, I may happen to be feeling very spiritual and you'll find a five-point sermon. The next day it will be all about my day at home with a three year old, a baby and a very obnoxious puppy! This blog is not for everyone and I don't expect it to be...but it is me and its my story. Strangely enough, it also happens to be His story.

I am a ready writer, ready to "recite my composition concerning the King." My prayer is that, by sharing my story, you will be able to catch a glimpse or two of the King that is writing my story...and yours as well.


  1. Looks great Becca...look forward to reading...Sean

  2. Hi, Becca. I like this better! Love you! --Carrie

  3. Becca,

    We are so blessed to have this wonderful technology available to us! I look forward to reading your blog and keeping up with your sweet family! . . .

    Aunt Anita

  4. Becca- I am your grandmother Jean's brother, Keith. I live in Idaho. I have read the aviator blog daily almost from the beginning and enjoy it so much. The pictures are great, too. I am glad that you now have another blog and will look forward to reading it regularly, also. Although, I have not met Sean nor your girls, I feel I know you all well from reading the daily postings. Keep up the good work. Love, Uncle Keith

  5. Hi Becca!! I read your other blog all the time and will check this one out as well now too!!! I am so proud of you both and all you are doing! Love you all bunches !!! Aunt Leah


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