The Catch-You-Up Bullet List
A little Kitchen Science with yeast, flour, water, sugar, and oil! We're 1/3 of the way through school already. All in all, it has been a good year so far. It feels good to be plugging along, though I must admit to occasional rough days. Welcome to homeschooling - the world with the highest highs and the lowest lows. ;-) Luckily, the good days far outweigh the tough ones and my girls and I are still smiling...and talking to each other. I love that we get to do this, challenges and all. A friend of a friend interviewed me last night about homeschooling for his Master's thesis paper. The concept of homeschooling is very new in Indonesia. I really am passionate about homeschooling and it was fun to talk about it with someone who has never even met a homeschooler before! If his topic is approved by his professor, we'll have the opportunity to share more about our school choice and our faith with him and his family, which is a ...