
Showing posts from May, 2013

Where does the time go?

An update. We started back to school already.  I know.  What?!   No parent wants to deny their children when they are BEGGING to learn.   Really and truly, the girls were begging to start again, driving me nuts bursting into my room every morning to ask if we were starting school yet.  Truth be told, I was anxious to start back as well.  We really do enjoy homeschooling that much.  We have intentions to take a nice, LONG break when we start our furlough in early 2014.  Starting early means we'll have the freedom to do that.  Plus, we're taking Fridays off, which is why I have time to blog today!   So you see, this is a very good thing. Our first week using all Sonlight curriculum was very good.  We've been making minor adjustments to make it work better for our family, but overall I'm very pleased. During our week off,  I was an organizing fool.  And I rearranged a lot of furniture.  This is what I do with time on my hands.  Sean doesn't know what he's going to

The Homeschooling Post

Taking the Final Math Tests! These two happy little girls are really excited.  Today they have completed all their work for 3rd and 1st grades!  They have worked extra hard this week to finish up so that we can have a nice little break before starting up again with grades 2 and 4 in a little over a month.  Paige will also be starting Kindergarten - which you can imagine she is excited about - she's been watching her sisters and wanting to "do school" for a long time. I really love homeschooling our girls.  Long ago, when Brooklyn was a preschooler, I dreamed of homeschooling my kids, but when it came time for Brooklyn's kindergarten, we were in the throes of support raising and it just didn't work out.  Then, we were in language school and I was again not able to homeschool.  But when we started our first year of homechool in Brooklyn's 2nd grade year, I knew I'd found my calling. I'm not sure I ever would have had the guts to homeschool if it hadn'