Slowing down

We needed an up-to-date family photo and managed to come up with this one. It was like pulling teeth trying to get a decent one of all five of us....speaking of that, check out Maddie's missing tooth! She was pretty thrilled with this new milestone in her life. I can't believe she's already lost her first tooth. These girls are growing up before my very eyes. So, as usual, this has been a very busy week. I'm exhausted and a little bit sick this Friday and thankful for the weekend. This afternoon will be our last English Club for a while. We've finished up two units already and it's the perfect time for a little break. We're taking off the next month, which will give me time to re-charge and re-think how we do things. English Club is actually going really well, but I have a few ideas of things I'd like to change up to help things run even more smoothly... The Rogers, who came from Tarakan to help out for a few months, have decided to ...