And so begins minggu tiga...

Today marks the beginning of my third week of formal language study! I can't believe I've only been at this for two weeks. It is coming along. We spent a lot of time today filling in some sentences and I was pleasantly surprised to discover that my vocabulary has expanded immensely! Don't ask me to recall any of those words when I'm trying to have a real conversation...but they are in there! Eventually, they will find their way out ;-) I loved all of your comments on my last post! Apparently, I need to write more about these types of things - I've never had such a response! Granted, it is a subject very deserving of a response, isn't it?! I do want to say, though, that I have decided that I am going to have to try some anjing (dog) at some point. I have talked to many Indonesians who truly love the stuff and I wouldn't want to miss out on a good thing. It would be best, though, if I didn't know what I was eating until after the fact! I love d...