
Showing posts from October, 2016

Is it too late to come back?

So....I haven't blogged in, um, nearly a year and a half.  I know.  I hear about it all the time.  I've abandoned you in a most inconsiderate way. For those of you who know our story, you realize that nothing tragic happened -- but life certainly did. I always hate it when bloggers decide to stop blogging and never tell me what happened.  It's like a book that ends without tying up the loose ends.  Some call those cliffhangers, but I call it rude.  I'm left wondering what on earth happened, and my imagination gets carried away, and I worry over strangers I've come to know and love. Sorry to do that to you. I never said an official good-bye because, well, I didn't want to!  I wanted to leave the door open on the off chance that someday, I might pick this habit back up again. This little home on the interwebs means something to me. I couldn't totally give it up, I couldn't completely say good-bye. So here I am and...I think I'd like to come back.  More